Friday, June 21, 2019

Moving from technology to Business support.

As with any change, moving from a technology supporting role to a Business support role needs a change of mindset, and this post is intended to help you. Since I moved from Technical support to a Business facing role, I am hoping this will help you a bit when you intend to change.

I moved to a FX support role and gathered some points. Hopefully you find them useful!

Start with the basics:

-What is the company doing? Who are the customers? What is the average volume a day like?

-What does a day look like? Who are the stakeholders? How does the company resolve issues?

FX Basics:
-Spot and foward trading basics.

-What is a bid and offer? How does it matter?

-What is an inverted rate (Tip: Bid> Offer)

-Settlement dates (T+1, T+2..)

-What is Risk?

-Limit Order vs Market Order
Note that the systems can combine, based on simple if-else conditions based on correlation

-What is a fix protocol? What are the market subscription methods?

-Trading vs Hedging

-Basic excel tips

Understand what the data/rows represent.

Monday, April 23, 2018

BBC : Downloading the sound effects.



Complete link:

BBC is offering about 16000 of their sound files for download, under RemArc License.

If you wish to use their files, please read their terms and conditions.

Now that is clear, I put together a powershell script to download the files. Have fun!

Import-Module BitsTransfer

$csv=Import-Csv -Path c:\tmp\BBC-Sounds\BBCSoundEffects.csv
foreach ($line in $csv) {
#Write-Host $URL$uri
#Write-Host $fn
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $URL$uri -Destination $fn

Monday, December 28, 2015

AWS Shell

Came across the easy to use shell for AWS -

Appears pretty handy.

Friday, November 13, 2015

A simple script to verify that the DNS update has propagated (Bash/Unix)

Same premise as the Windows/powershell one, but this is for Bash / Unix.

while(true); do

for domain in `cat domains.txt`; do

echo -en $domain ":" ;

for i in dnsserver1 dnsserver2 dnsserver3 ; do echo -en $i $(dig +short NS @$i $domain | grep dns.ap | wc -l) "\t";


echo "" ;
done ;
sleep 10;


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A simple script to verify that the DNS update has propagated (Powershell / Windows)

Background: We updated a few name server records and removed references to AP ones. And this script simply queries your DNS and ensures that the removed one has been propagated.

domains.txt is self-explanatory - has all the (removed) domains listed, one per line.

while ($true){ foreach ($dns in get-content .\domains.txt) 
if (Resolve-DnsName -type NS $dns | findstr /i "dns.ap") { } else { Write-host "$dns no AP" } 

 start-sleep -s 120


Tuesday, June 02, 2015

wmic: Getting process (and arguments!) in a remote server

wmic can be very convenient to obtain information about the processes running on a remote server.

I downloaded a VM from for testing. (It's valid only for 30 days and doesn't permit to be licensed!) and have been testing it.

A curious question came in - how to find remote processes in a windows PC using wmic? How will you get the complete arguments?

C:\>wmic /node:ie8winxp /user:IE8WINXP\Administrator /password:Passw0rd! /output:stdout process list /format:htable " > c:\temp.html

Note that the redirection above will be to local desktop's c:\temp.html, not remote c:\temp.html

If you wish to redirect to an internal file in the remote PC, you can simply save the command in the remote host and call it.


Save the below as a file, say c:\temp\1.bat

wmic process list /format:htable > c:\temp.html

Call it using :

C:\>wmic /node:ie8winxp /user:IE8WINXP\Administrator /password:Passw0rd! process call create "C:\temp\1.bat"

Examples at :

And more at:

Simple bash scripts (work in progress!)

Have been focussing on scripting bash programs and managed to write some scripts.

A simple script to replace softlinks with target files:

          $ for i in `find . -type l -print`; do

          mv -v $(readlink $i) $i

You can, replace `` with $(). Also, include $i in quotes as well if you wish.

Friday, May 08, 2015

Powershell v3: How to check if a PC is up for > 30 days

step 1- Check uptime. If > 30 days, then go for step 2; else exit step 2- Check if desktop is unlocked. If yes, popup saying it will be rebooted in next 24 hours. If locked, exit step 3- reboot
Is that accurate? Can be do in powershell.
$computer = "<Computer name>"
 if (Test-Connection $computer -Count 2 -Quiet) {

try {

     $user = $null

     $user = gwmi -Class win32_computersystem -ComputerName $computer | select -ExpandProperty username -ErrorAction Stop
 catch { Write-Host "Not logged on"; return }
 try {
     if ((Get-Process logonui -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction Stop) -and ($user)) {
        Write-Host "Workstation locked by $user"
 catch { if ($user) 
Write-Host "$user logged on" 
   $wmi = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computer -Query "SELECT LastBootUpTime FROM Win32_OperatingSystem"

$now = Get-Date

$boottime = $wmi.ConvertToDateTime($wmi.LastBootUpTime)

$uptime = $now - $boottime

$d =$uptime.days

$h =$uptime.hours

$m =$uptime.Minutes

$s = $uptime.Seconds
# above h/m/s are optional, but good to have!
if ($d -gt 30) { 
 Write-Host "Greather than 30 days" 
 # call shutdown tool here or do other activities

else { Write-Host "Less than 30 days" }

} }


 else { Write-Host "$computer Offline" }

Linux/Bash: How to report the CPU/ memory usage per user.

for user in `ps -aef | awk '{print $1}' | sort -k1 | uniq | grep -v UID`; do
procs=$(ps -u $user -o user,comm,vsz | wc -l) ;
echo -en $user " : Memory in KiB : " $(ps -u $user -o user,cmd,vsz | grep -v grep | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;} {s=s+$NF;}END{print s/1024}'); echo "" ;
echo -en $user " : CPU% : " $(ps -u $user -eo %cpu | grep -v grep | awk 'BEGIN{s=0;} {s=s+$NF;}END{print s}'); echo "" ;

Another method I learnt was:

ps -eo %cpu=,vsz=,user= |

awk '{ cpu[$3]+=$1; vsz[$3]+=$2 } END { for (user in cpu) printf("%-10s : Memory %10.1f KiB, CPU%%: %4.1f\n", user, vsz[user]/1024, cpu[user]); }'


LC_ALL=C ps -eo %cpu=,vsz=,user= |

awk '{ cpu[$3]+=$1; vsz[$3]+=$2 } END { for (user in cpu) printf("%-10s : Memory %10.1f KiB, CPU%%: %4.1f\n", user, vsz[user]/1024, cpu[user]); }'

And finally:

ps axro "pid,%cpu,ucomm" | awk 'FNR>1' | head -n 3 | awk '{ printf "%5.1f%%,%s,%s",$2,$3,$1 }

ps axo "rss,pid,ucomm" | sort -nr | head -n3 | awk ‘{ printf "%8.0f MB,%s,%s",$1/1024,$3,$2 }